

Hi.  Welcome to Finding Strong.  I’m excited to offer this blog in memory of the strongest woman I’ve known, Leigh Cooper Wallace.  My purpose is to share Leigh’s message: that there is life, love, and laughter after tragedy; that no matter how you may have been victimized or traumatized, you can pick up the pieces and regain control of your life; that you can choose not to remain a victim.


I am a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, Special Forces, with two combat tours. I have a wonderful wife, Louise, four children (one now deceased), seven grandchildren, and one great grandchild. I am the author of two books: "Leavings: Honeycutt to Cooper Ridge" and "Finding Strong." I am a Clemson Tiger.

5 Responses

  1. Frank Cox says:

    All-in and looking forward to both aspects of your blog – really glad you will continue to pen thoughts and reflections.

  2. Joe Ayoob says:

    Nice to be back in touch with you Claude; disappointed we didn’t get a visit again this year with you & Louise. Read the book twice, a remarkable young lady in every sense. She left a legacy to not only those who knew her, but also to those of us who didnt!!
    Thanks for the invite my friend.

    • Claude says:

      Thanks Joe. We look forward to seeing you next time were out that way. Let us know when you’re coming this way.

  3. Congratulations on your handsome new website, Claude.
    I know that somewhere, Leigh is smiling.
    Best wishes, Skip Eisiminger