Haleigh’s Project

Once again I’m going to post something Haleigh wrote. She’s getting more like her mom every day. This is the sort of thing Leigh would do if the roles were reversed.

Haleigh posted the following on Facebook recently. Please pass this on if you know of anyone who might benefit from it.

“Hey everybody! My name is Haleigh Wallace, and I am forming ‘My Mommy You’ll Be’ as a group for young women who have lost their mothers. Members will have 24/7 support, a new group of friends who can understand your experiences, and most importantly, a place to turn to for womanly advice (about relationships, personal hygiene, doctor referrals, introduction to new hobbies). As well as 24/7 messenger/texting access to me personally. I hope to eventually be able to have weekly meetings in person with everybody! Whether if be lunch, or a day in the park, painting together, I want this group to lead to female friendships that are based around healthy activities and healthy emotions. It is so important to have hobbies and positive people in your life while you navigate through grief, and I hope to provide just that!

WHAT TO EXPECT DAY TO DAY: I plan to start every day with a quote that I have found helpful or influential to me at any point in my journey through grief. Throughout the day I will be 100% available through messenger or text, whether it be to just talk through things or to listen to you cry (I’ve been there so many times, crying to yourself isn’t as freeing). I will be putting goody bags together with things like razors, tampons, panty liners, hair brushes, mascara, underwear, bras, etc. All of the things you DON’T want to ask your dad to buy at the store! I hope that one day I am able to do monthly deliveries of female products to girls who need them, but I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep. It is at the top of the list! These are a few things I plan to do consistently, but I plan to expand this page and all of the things I offer as I learn and grow.

As a “Grand Opening” of this page that I’ve wanted to start for awhile, I am doing a GIVEAWAY of a copy of ‘Finding Strong’, a book that chronicles my mom’s journey through grief after she was sexually assaulted by a would-be serial killer. Unfortunately, she passes away before she finished writing. Her father finished it, and had it published. It is such an empowering story, and the theme is similar to what I am trying to teach; finding your STRENGTH when you have every excuse to be weak!! JOIN this group, and SHARE this post for 1 entry. 1 share = 1 entry!! Thank you guys so much, and please share this group with anyone you know who needs support!”

Thank you Haleigh for doing this and for making me proud.


I am a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, Special Forces, with two combat tours. I have a wonderful wife, Louise, four children (one now deceased), seven grandchildren, and one great grandchild. I am the author of two books: "Leavings: Honeycutt to Cooper Ridge" and "Finding Strong." I am a Clemson Tiger.

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1 Response

  1. Frank Cox says:

    WOW did this swell you up or what!
    Know this brings you great joy Claude