Golden Anniversary

On 3 June, 1968, I graduated from OCS at Fort Benning.  Five days later, 8 June, Louise and I were married.  We celebrated the Golden Anniversary of my becoming an Army

officer last month in Scottsdale, Arizona.   During the next couple of weeks, we’ll be celebrating our Golden Wedding Anniversary in pretty much the same way we have lived our marriage – having good times and special moments with friends and family.  Next Saturday we will head for Surfside Beach for our annual extended family beach reunion.  We’ll be with 60+ family members from all over the country doing what we’ve done for one week every year since the early ’80s.  A lot of eating, drinking, gaming, story telling, and laughing.  The last five years of the beach have been bitter-sweet for me without Leigh there, but it will be good nonetheless.

Those of you who have “friended” any of our family on Facebook have probably seen this, but it’s so special for me that I want to share it here for those who may have missed it.  My daughter, Holley, is the real writer in this family, and she posted this on Facebook on the day of our anniversary:

“50 Years!!! I mean, he proposed to her while watching ‘How to Murder Your Wife’ at the drive-in, yet somehow this hopeless non-romantic has held onto           her for 50 years!  ‘Ups and downs’ is an understatement for these two kids.  From a 1971-72 tour IN Vietnam to a 2018 tour OF Vietnam.  From a                             $12/week grocery budget to huge celebrations in their beautiful home.  From 4 children keeping their schedules packed to (finally!) retired empty-                        nesters.  They’ve suffered heartache and difficulties more than any parent or grandparent should have to, more than once, but they were always there              for each other.  When I looked for pictures of them today, I couldn’t help but notice the huge smile on my dad’s face in so many of them, like he can’t                    believe he still gets to spend his days with this incredible woman.  Thanks to both of you for setting such a great example of love, support, patience, and            respect. ‘

And thank you Holley and all my children and grandchildren  for giving Grandma and me so much to cheer about over these years.  And thank you Louise for putting up with this “hopeless non-romantic” for 50 years and for keeping that smile on my face.

I couldn’t put all the pictures Holley posted on here, but the two below at least show the “then and now.”  The picture on the right was taken on our recent tour of Vietnam.   I consider myself a blessed and fortunate man.  Thanks Lou for all the years we’ve had and for those to come.


I am a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, Special Forces, with two combat tours. I have a wonderful wife, Louise, four children (one now deceased), seven grandchildren, and one great grandchild. I am the author of two books: "Leavings: Honeycutt to Cooper Ridge" and "Finding Strong." I am a Clemson Tiger.

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4 Responses

  1. BA says:

    Congrats, Claude and Louise. Have a great Beach week.

  2. Ernie says:

    Great read and nice pics . Enjoy your ongoing Golden celebration ! Ernie and Carol

  3. Frank Cox says:

    Nice blog tonight – we sure enjoyed being a small part of the celebration of you two’s wonderful marriage…

  4. Julee Marshall says:

    Congratulations! Love to you both from Pat and Julee.