Girls on the Run

“Girls on the Run” is a nation-wide organization founded by Molly Barker to empower young girls. In early 2009 Leigh saw an ad in the newspaper that Girls on the Run would be hosting a training session in Charlotte to train new counselors for the organization in the hope of expanding and reaching more young girls. Leigh saw this as a great opportunity for her to impact young girls in the High Country. She attended the seminar and subsequently began a Girls on the Run organization in Watauga County. Her meeting with Molly Barker at the seminar was interesting. Molly is an extrovert with a strong personality; a dynamic individual. She was so impressed with Leigh when they met that she wrote an article in Endurance Magazine, the May 2009 edition, describing that meeting and telling Leigh’s story. She stated that she and Leigh initially had a mutual intimidation encounter: Molly intimidated by Leigh’s obvious physical strength, and Leigh intimidated by Molly’s extroversion and wide-open persona. They became good friends, though, and kept in touch.

After Leigh organized Girls on the Run in the High Country, she got her mom into it as well. Louise became the GOTR leader for Green Valley School. Leigh’s sister Julie enrolled her daughter Regan at an early age, and Regan continues to run to this day.

A few days before Leigh died, Girls on the Run in Watauga County scheduled a run at Valle Crucis Park. Regan would be participating in this run so Louise called Leigh the night before to remind her. Leigh was feeling a little ill at the time, thinking she might be coming down with the flu or sinus infection, so she was not planning to attend the run. Typical of Leigh, though, she couldn’t bear the thought of her niece running in such a big event and her not being there. She showed up just as the race was beginning. Of course, everyone knew Leigh was there as her screaming and cheering for Regan echoed throughout the park. The picture above is Regan and Julie participating in this run.

Regan is now a freshman at Fort Mill High School and a runner on the varsity cross-country team. She has qualified for and will be running in the State Championship meet on Saturday, November 4th. Leigh will be proudly watching from above and cheering loudly.

For  the link to Endurance Magazine featuring Leigh, see Joe Lion’s comment below.



Regan – cross-country


I am a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, Special Forces, with two combat tours. I have a wonderful wife, Louise, four children (one now deceased), seven grandchildren, and one great grandchild. I am the author of two books: "Leavings: Honeycutt to Cooper Ridge" and "Finding Strong." I am a Clemson Tiger.

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10 Responses

  1. Frank Cox says:

    Where is the state meet? Ya’ll going

    • Claude says:

      It’s at Sand Hills Research Center in Columbia. Louise is going for sure, and me probably.

  2. Julie Cooper Hodge says:

    What a wonderful post, dad! I’m now crying!!

  3. Ernie says:

    Great job Ciaude ! We’ll be cheering her on from a far !

  4. Joe Lion says:

    Claude – here is a PDF of the Endurance Magazine cover and article, if you would like to include it in this post so people can download and read.