Five Years

Merry Christmas from Leigh’s Family

This Sunday, December 17, will be the 5th anniversary of Leigh’s death. I’ll be spending that day with family and will probably not have an opportunity to write, so I am posting this today.

One of the finest tributes to Leigh was written by her sister, Holley. Holley actually wrote this for her own blog on the first anniversary of Leigh’s death. It is also included in “Finding Strong.” It’s worth repeating here.

“As for December 17th, I have a challenge for anyone reading this. Hug your loved ones this day. Encourage someone this day. Make someone laugh this day. Find the strength you didn’t know you had this day. Overcome an obstacle this day. Exercise this day. Show the world your beauty, inside and out, this day. Teach someone something valuable this day. Clean until there is not a speck of dirt to be found this day. Go to a drive-thru and order a large Coke with a bendy straw this day. Leigh did all of these things every day. If you can manage to complete most of these tasks in one day, you will be late everywhere you go, which is something Leigh did most days. Do these things not just to honor a great woman on the anniversary of her death, but also to add more greatness to your own life.”

Sunday will be a sad day for the Coopers and the Wallaces, but we will surely get in a few laughs as well. We wish strength and happiness to you all throughout the holiday season and beyond.


I am a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, Special Forces, with two combat tours. I have a wonderful wife, Louise, four children (one now deceased), seven grandchildren, and one great grandchild. I am the author of two books: "Leavings: Honeycutt to Cooper Ridge" and "Finding Strong." I am a Clemson Tiger.

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5 Responses

  1. Gene Hanratty says:

    I will not have done all those things which leigh would finish in a single day but I can promise you today that I will say prayers for all of the Coopers. God bless all of the Coopers and RIP Leigh!

    • Claude says:

      Thanks Gene. I hope you and your family have a great holiday.

      • Gene Hanratty says:

        I am sometimes confounded why God takes the good ones so early…
        I can’t imagine the pain you carry. Parents aren’t supposed to have to bury their children…prayers coming to you and Leigh!

  2. Jody Patrick says:

    Claude and Louise, Robin and I wish both of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    We feels are that Leigh is just fine!!!! Jesus lays out a true path.

    Hope to see you both soon.

  3. Frank Cox says:

    Lifting up the Coopers on their day of remembering Leigh – sharing the memories have been a blessing to us. Crossie and I love you and Louise and are thankful that you have each other. And I know you carry this every day – you are stronger than you think you are!!