Category: Family

Haleigh’s Getting Married

Haleigh’s Getting Married

It’s nice, when I start running out of things to write about, to have other writers in the family. And Haleigh may be the best of us all. With her permission, I’m going to...

Borrowed Wisdom

Borrowed Wisdom

If you’ve read Finding Strong, you know it was not written solely by Leigh and myself.  I wanted input from other immediate family members.  I’m also realizing that it might be useful, actually better, to...

Another Birthday

Another Birthday

Most of the Prologue in “Finding Strong” is about our visit to Boone for Leigh’s birthday three years after her death.  We always go up on or near her birthday.  This year, it worked...

Beach Reunion 2018

Beach Reunion 2018

Leigh’s greatest love was her family, not just her immediate family,  but also her cousins, uncles, aunts, and her grandparents on both the Cooper side and the Dickert side.   Her favorite family activities were...

Golden Anniversary

Golden Anniversary

On 3 June, 1968, I graduated from OCS at Fort Benning.  Five days later, 8 June, Louise and I were married.  We celebrated the Golden Anniversary of my becoming an Army officer last month...

The Fifth Thanksgiving, SLD

The Fifth Thanksgiving, SLD

We just finished six days of celebrating our fifth Thanksgiving since Leigh died (SLD), to borrow a phrase from Holley’s calendar. And with apologies to Julie, Riley, and Regan, who could not be here...