Author: Claude

The Sleep Lab

The Sleep Lab

Louise has been telling me that she thinks I have sleep apnea and that she’s afraid I’m going to quit breathing altogether while I’m asleep.  I’ve never thought that nor worried about it.  But...

Leigh’s Humor

Leigh’s Humor

Considering the terrible near-death experience she survived as a young woman, Leigh had an amazingly beautiful sense of humor.  She was quick to recognize the potential for humor in a situation, and unmerciful in...

Moved by the Music

Moved by the Music

Everyone who knows me well knows how I love music.   It may surprise some of you to know that I’m not  just a fan of country music, although that’s certainly my favorite.  As a...

Listening to Leigh

Listening to Leigh

There are times when I just feel like I need to hear her voice again.  I can do that by pulling out some of the cassette tapes we used for her to dictate her...

Borrowed Wisdom

Borrowed Wisdom

If you’ve read Finding Strong, you know it was not written solely by Leigh and myself.  I wanted input from other immediate family members.  I’m also realizing that it might be useful, actually better, to...

Don’t Settle

Don’t Settle

Leigh’s favorite statements and life lessons – lessons she lived by and that she preached to her runners and students and anyone else who would listen – were “you’re stronger than you think” and...

We Survived!!

We Survived!!

We survived the worst possible nightmare yesterday and still got the win.  I’ve said before that we have three winning quarterbacks, and that was proven yesterday.  I didn’t say we could win a national...