Author: Claude

Another Project

Another Project

I’ve been doing this blog for a little over two years now, and I am truly grateful for those of you who have stuck with me this long. I know that the posts have...

Joe’s Tribute

Joe’s Tribute

Six people spoke at Leigh’s memorial service, four family members and two from outside the family. We felt that these would be the six people Leigh would want to speak for her, but also...

30th Walk for Awareness

30th Walk for Awareness

Appalachian State University held its 30th Walk for Awareness last week, recognizing the 30th anniversary of the tragic events of 1989 when Jeni Gray was abducted and brutally murdered, and Leigh was abducted and...

50th Birthday

50th Birthday

As Julie said in her Facebook post this morning, we should be celebrating Leigh’s 50th birthday today. What an affair that would be! I expect that between family (Coopers, Wallaces, Dickerts, Martins), friends, former...

America’s Game

America’s Game

I’ve been watching Ken Burns’ series on baseball this week while Louise is out of town. I don’t know why I had never watched it before. It reminds me that, even though I love...

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

Said goodbye to one of the finest men I have had the pleasure of knowing yesterday. Randy Smith was a fraternity brother at Clemson. He was also a star football player who turned down...

Two More Songs

Two More Songs

The late, great Merle Haggard has a song out that, for me at least, has been one of my steady favorites over the past couple of years. I recently discovered that he released it...

Wildwood Flower

Wildwood Flower

Facebook seems to know how I love music so they often post a song they think I might like. This morning a “Dust-to-Digital” recording of Mother Maybelle Carter singing “Wildwood Flower” was posted. That...

Haleigh’s Getting Married

Haleigh’s Getting Married

It’s nice, when I start running out of things to write about, to have other writers in the family. And Haleigh may be the best of us all. With her permission, I’m going to...