Another Birthday

Most of the Prologue in “Finding Strong” is about our visit to Boone for Leigh’s birthday three years after her death.  We always go up on or near her birthday.  This year, it worked out that Louise had a dermatology appointment yesterday (Aug 10), so we went up on Thursday, the 9th, and came back immediately after the appointment.  Leigh’s birthday is actually tomorrow, the 12th.   She would be 49.   After getting new flowers at Michael’s in Boone, we went to the cemetery.   Louise took a box full of cleaning supplies and did her thing cleaning the marker while I pondered the why’s and how’s, could ‘ve been’s, and should ‘ve been’s. It’s never easy going back, but it’s important for us to do so.  When we finished at the cemetery, we took a walk on the Greenway, starting and finishing at the high school.  The football team was practicing on the Leigh Cooper Wallace Lacrosse Field – I’m sure Leigh wouldn’t mind.

On Friday, Louise met with her friends for brunch prior to her appointment.  I  visited a couple of Leigh’s old stomping grounds; the Wellness Center, which has a shrine of sorts in the spin room; and the Student Union at Appalachian State, which has a shrine to Leigh in a corner of the coffee shop.  I’m always amazed at the visible evidences of the impact Leigh had on that community.

Meanwhile, on Thursday night in the motel room, we took on a role that Leigh would have surely cherished – looking for the perfect venue for Haleigh’s upcoming wedding.  We’re really proud of the great strides Haleigh has made in dealing with her mom’s death.  We believe wonderful things are in store for her and her fiance, Rob.  Jake is still the tower of strength he’s always been as he and Jordan look toward the arrival of a son.  Leigh would be so proud of her granddaughter, Lynleigh, and of the grandson (Claude Jacob???) that’s on the way.  And Louise and I are proud and happy that Chris is finding happiness with Arlene.

As we continue to live for our grandchildren, Louise is at this time in Roswell, GA, preparing to bring Cade and Coen up to Clemson for a visit.

And with football season almost upon us, I guess I’ll need to put on my coach’s hat for the next few posts.  I expect Dabo will be contacting me shortly to set up a consultation session.

Leigh Cooper Wallace Memorial Field

Louise doing her thing.


I am a retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel, Special Forces, with two combat tours. I have a wonderful wife, Louise, four children (one now deceased), seven grandchildren, and one great grandchild. I am the author of two books: "Leavings: Honeycutt to Cooper Ridge" and "Finding Strong." I am a Clemson Tiger.

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