Monthly Archive: October 2017

Girls on the Run

Girls on the Run

“Girls on the Run” is a nation-wide organization founded by Molly Barker to empower young girls. In early 2009 Leigh saw an ad in the newspaper that Girls on the Run would be hosting...

Call Tails

Call Tails

It being an 8 PM game, this post will be more foresight than hineysight. Most of us will not be returning to Jay and Anne’s house after the game. We are doing our tailgate...

Note to Subscribers – Correction

Note to Subscribers – Correction

I want to thank all of you who have subscribed to my blog. I look forward to communicating with you and I will try to provide meaningful content on a regular basis along with...

You Had One Job

You Had One Job

Louise and I love to go to Highlands. We love that our dear friends, Jay and Anne, have a house in Highlands and occasionally invite us up for a weekend or for a party....



      I really hate that the launch of my blog comes on the heels of a Clemson loss. This will not be a normal “hineysight” post because it being an away game,...

Passionate About Clemson

Passionate About Clemson

Since we’ve come to Clemson to live, Louise and I have obtained season tickets for football, basketball, and baseball.  We attend all home games when we are in town.   We are a part of...

About Leigh

About Leigh

At a very early age Leigh showed outstanding athletic potential. She loved being strong and would do pushups and situps with me at night. Her first competitive sport was gymnastics. Her strength and courage...



  Hi.  Welcome to Finding Strong.  I’m excited to offer this blog in memory of the strongest woman I’ve known, Leigh Cooper Wallace.  My purpose is to share Leigh’s message: that there is life,...