Home page

It is my intent that this blog will serve two purposes:

1)It will be my way of keeping Leigh’s legacy alive by sharing her story through pictures and posts and by  promoting her book.  Leigh regained control of her life and found her “strong” after a most horrifying experience.   And

2) It will, I hope, give me a means to find my “strong” and regain control of my life after having my world as I knew it jerked out from under me.

Leigh Cooper Wallace loved everyone, and she was loved by all.   Though fiercely competitive, she was never confrontational.  She was a mentor, coach, teacher, arbitrator, problem solver, compassionate friend.  I will try to keep this blog in that vein.   This won’t be a political blog; I won’t be going on a rant about anyone or any political issue.  Leigh would never engage in that, nor will I.    I’ll try to introduce a little humor in each post – Leigh surely was good at that.

Louise and I made a major decision after Leigh’s death that has allowed me, at least to this point, to maintain my sanity and pursue happiness.  I am certainly grateful to Louise for that.  We left our dream home in the mountains outside Boone, NC, to move to Clemson.  We have reunited with the greatest friends anyone could ask for, and we have immersed ourselves in all things Clemson.  Life is good in Tigertown, and I will try to show that as well through pictures and posts.